Ordinary & Standing Committee Meetings, Date: 22 January 2020, 9am, Filesize: 429mb Download Meeting


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  • Open Meeting
  • Acknowledgement of Country
  • Attendance & Apologies
  • Conflict of Interest / Material Personal Interest
  • Confirmation of Minutes
  • 1 Change to School Speed Zone Times in the Cairns Regional Council Area
  • 2 Road Safety, Traffic & Transport Advisory Committee (RSTTAC) Minutes
  • 3 Material Change of Use (Multiple Dwelling, Short-Term Accommodation, Hotel, Food and Drink Outlet and Shop) – 340- 346 Sheridan Street Cairns North – Division 5
  • 4 Proposed Amendment to Cairnsplan 2016 Planning Scheme Policy – FNQROC Development Manual
  • 5 Material Change of Use – Parking Station (33 Carparking Spaces) – 31-33 Norman Street, Gordonvale – Division 1
  • 6 Preliminary Approval for Material Change of Use - Variation Request for Use Rights Consistent with The Low Medium Density Residential Zone – 1L Reed Road Trinity Park – Division 8
  • 7 Submission on the Queensland Governments Creating Healthy and Active Communities: Mandatory Provisions for Neighbourhood Design
  • 8 Extension Of Currency Period – Reconfiguring A Lot (1 Lot Into 34 Lots In 2 Stages) – 33-41 Cedar Road, Palm Cove –Division 9
  • 9 Reconfiguring a Lot (1 into 2 Lots) and Early Concurrence Agency Response – 292 Mccoombe Street Westcourt – Division 5
  • 10 Local Law Application for the Display of Advertising Devices – Externally Lit Projecting Vertical Sign –PLOS Construction Pty Ltd – 123 Sheridan Street Cairns City – Division 5
  • 11 Tour of The Tropics – Proposed Criterium Route
  • 12 Mill Gardens and Gordonvale to Greenpatch Heritage Trail
  • 13 Petition – Cairns Gel Blasters Club Inc Use of Part of Earlville Pony Club Incorporation Leased Area
  • 14 Transfer of Art Asset (Jelly Babies) from Arts Queensland to Council
  • 15 Financial Statements for the Period Ended 27 December 2019
  • 16 Minutes Audit Committee Meeting – 10 December 2019
  • 17 Approval of The 2020 Cairns Local Disaster Management Plan
  • 18 Delegations from Council to Chief Executive Officer –State Government Legislation
  • 19 Transfer Station Free Shredded Green Waste and Free Green Waste Initiatives
  • 20 Submission on The Electoral and other Legislation (Accountability, Integrity and Other Matters) Amendment Bill 2019
  • 21 Review of Inner Harbour Capital Dredging for the Port of Cairns - Submission
  • 22 Chief Executive Officer's Update
  • 1 Review of Council Use of Footpath Policy
  • 2 Petition – Half Court Basketball Court at Salli & John Mitchell Memorial Park
  • 3 Bramstom Beach Campground
  • 1.Contractual Matter – Barr Creek Bridge Piling Works PC18049-02 – Tender Consideration Plan
  • 2.Budgetary Matter – Sale of Land for Overdue Rates - List 8
  • 3.Budgetary Matter – Outstanding Debt Report
  • 4.Contractual Matter – Project Launch Approval – PSC18401-01 – Contract 75576 - Sewage Pumping Station
  • 5.Contractual Matter – Project Launch Approval – PCW15701 - Contract 75577 - Crystal Cascades Intake Upgrade
  • 6.Prejudicial Matter – Submission to the Inquiry into Australia Activating Greater Trade and Investment with Pacific Island Countries
  • Meeting close
  • A Material Change of Use (Multiple Dwelling, Short- Term Accommodation, Hotel, Food and Drink Outlet and Shop) – 340- 346 Sheridan Street Cairns North – Division 5
  • B Item Withdrawn by Applicant
  • C Reconfiguring a Lot (1 Into 2 Lots) and Early Concurrence Agency Response – 292 Mccoombe Street Westcourt – Division 5
  • A Extension of Currency Period – Reconfiguring a Lot (1 Lot into 34 Lots in 2 Stages) – 33-41 Cedar Road, Palm Cove – Division 9
  • B Local Law Application for the Display of Advertising Devices – Externally Lit Projecting Vertical Sign – Plos Construction Pty Ltd – 123 Sheridan Street Cairns City – Division 5
  • Recent meetings

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    Welcome to Cairns Regional Council’s Meeting Webcast site

    From October 2019, Council Ordinary meetings, Special Meetings and Standing Committee Meetings held in the Council Chambers are live streamed and recorded while the meeting is in progress. The live stream will cease during Closed Council Meetings, confidential items of business (closed sessions) and when the meeting ends. Meetings which are held off-site will not be streamed or recorded.

    Live streaming allows you to watch and listen to meetings in real time without the need to physically attend, giving you greater access to Council decision-making and debate. You can also view video of previously-recorded meetings.

    Cairns Regional Council acknowledges and pays our respects to the Traditional Custodians of our region, the Djabugay; Yirrganydji; Buluwai, Gimuy Walubara Yidinji; Mandingalbay Yidinji; Gunggandji; Dulabed and Malanbara Yidinji; Wanyurr Majay; Mamu and NgadjonJii peoples. We extend this respect to all elders past, present and future, and other First Peoples within our region.