Ordinary Meeting, Date: 21 June 2023, 9am, Filesize: 640mb Download Meeting


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  • 1.CEO Month in Review Report – May 2023
  • 2.Delegations From Council to Chief Executive Officer – State Government Legislation
  • 3.Financial Statements for The Period Ended 26 May 2023
  • 4.Review of Revaluation of Non-Current Assets & Bank Guarantee General Policies
  • 5.Project Launch Approval (PLA) – 2023/24 Kerb & Channel and Shoulder Sealing Renewal
  • 6.Project Launch Approval (PLA) – PT24221 2023/24 Pavement Rehabilitation Program
  • 7.Expressions of Interest – Supply and Establishment of a Flood Warning System for Freshwater Creek
  • 8.Local Law Application to Display an Advertising Device – 267 Mulgrave Road Bungalow – Division 5
  • 9.Support for the Proposed Transfer of the Statutory Covenant and Use from Cootharinga Society of North Queensland to Regional Housing Limited over Lot 21 On SP302211, Babinda – Division 1
  • 10.Community Partnerships Grant Round 7
  • 11.Regional Arts Development Fund (RADF) 2022/23 – Major Round Two and City of The Arts Hero Project Grant Recommendations
  • 12.Arts Queensland Touring Queensland Fund Round 2 Funding Application
  • 13.Community Partnerships Grant Application - Cairns Italian Festival
  • 14.Amendment To Contract 2699 – Provision of Security Services
  • 15.Community Partnerships Grant – Out of Round Applications
  • 16.Cairns Art Gallery 2023/25 Resource and Performance Agreement
  • 1.Budgetary Matter – Outstanding Debt Report
  • 2.Prejudicial Matter: Support for Major Event
  • 3.Prejudicial Matter (Local Government Regulation 2012section 254j (3)(H)) – Acquisition of Easements and Freehold Land For A Public Purpose Relating to Water -Cairns Water Security Stage 1 Project, Gordonvale –Division 1
  • 4.Prejudicial Matter - Wangetti Trail Indigenous Land Use agreement - Djabugay Nation Claim Group (QUD692/2016) and Deed of Indemnity – Division 9
  • 5.Contractual Matter – Contract CPD03_2022 – Design and Documentation of a Future Cairns Gallery Precinct – Site Master Plan And New Gallery
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    Welcome to Cairns Regional Council’s Meeting Webcast site

    From October 2019, Council Ordinary meetings, Special Meetings and Standing Committee Meetings held in the Council Chambers are live streamed and recorded while the meeting is in progress. The live stream will cease during Closed Council Meetings, confidential items of business (closed sessions) and when the meeting ends. Meetings which are held off-site will not be streamed or recorded.

    Live streaming allows you to watch and listen to meetings in real time without the need to physically attend, giving you greater access to Council decision-making and debate. You can also view video of previously-recorded meetings.

    Cairns Regional Council acknowledges and pays our respects to the Traditional Custodians of our region, the Djabugay; Yirrganydji; Buluwai, Gimuy Walubara Yidinji; Mandingalbay Yidinji; Gunggandji; Dulabed and Malanbara Yidinji; Wanyurr Majay; Mamu and NgadjonJii peoples. We extend this respect to all elders past, present and future, and other First Peoples within our region.